Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 7

Woops! Haven't written in a couple days. Friday was the day that started my spring break and I ended up crashing out on the floor from tiredness. Then Saturday was the day that we tackled the rest of the Horsetooth hike. Man! I was very proud of myself, one, for making it up that far and two, for swallowing my fear and climbing up 2 very tall rocks. We wouldn't have even gone up the horsetooth part if I hadn't pushed for it. So yeah! Very hard hike, I'm so stupidly out of shape and gross. I really need to get my weight under control, if only for health's sake.

I'm currently watching Jason play Final Fantasy 8...I really do enjoy watching people play games. There's something very soothing about it...I don't have to think, but I still get to enjoy what's going on in the game. Of course, we played games all night and watched Weirdsville, which was just plain strange. Midget LARPers is where it's at. LARP = Live Action Role Players, Danny. :P

Danny will be here on Thursday and I am very excited. We've got some fun stuff for when he gets here. I'm gonna start cooking gumbo on Wednesday and we're gonna decorate the apartment. I think Jason's gonna bake a cake for him. It really means a lot to me that Jason cares enough about Danny to do stuff like that. All things considered (and if you ignore Danny's absolutely wonderful personality), it wouldn't be surprising if Jason was bucking the idea of Danny living here. Fortunately for me, Jason rules and has taken in the idea with open arms and that sideways grin that he has. He genuinely likes Danny, which is far more than I can say for any other boyfriend I have ever had.

I regret that Danny can't bring Monster here...I even half-heartedly suggested that we try to find him an orange kitten, but Danny would rather have Monster here first, and I don't blame him for that. I would be extremely upset if I had to leave Murphy behind. He's my baby, and it would take a lot to make me give him up. Maybe Danny feels the same way about Monster, and he's giving him up to be here with me. I know Monster will be in good hands, so at least that is some comfort.

Oh! Oh! Danny got waaaaaaasted with some of his friends last night from IGA. He didn't sound too drunk when he called me, but apparently he vomited after he got out of the taxi (see, our kids really shouldn't be able to read this....though I do feel on some level that if we were dead we'd be laughing, hand in hand, at their horror stricken faces as they read some of this stuff). He didn't seem embarrassed to tell me about it. Even the multitasking poop-and-hurl fest he had while in the bathroom (don't worry kids, there was a bucket in his lap). Which is impressive...I would've been embarrassed and it might have taken some coercing on his part to make it happen.

Anyway, quote of the night from an unknown author:

"Love is like everything else in the world; you have to fight for it."

Appropriate, considering how far we've come and how far we still have to go to see this thing through.

I love you.

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