Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 2

9 days left until Danny gets here! I have a physiology test tomorrow and I'm taking time from learning synaptic pathways to write this in before the midnight deadline comes along. I keep running the nerve pathways down my own body to try and give myself visual cues with it, thinking about how much more fun it would be to have Danny here so I could run the pathways down HIS body, perhaps turning it into something far more fun than learning synaptic pathways usually is. I studied with Michelle tonight. Fierce lady...she's got two kids and she's a single mom, in basically all the same classes I'm in, as well as with labs. She's the kind of person that reminds me that my lot in life isn't so bad. I am not a single mother trying to balance all of these hideous classes, and she is. It made me feel very small, but not in a bad way. It was humbling, I suppose. Danny's been working all day and we had some crappy phone issues earlier and didn't talk for about 4 hours. I always feel naked when we can't respond to each other. Maybe that was one of the reasons I lost it when he went camping and I later found out about sharing the mattress. Communication is really all we have and when you take away all we have, you take Danny away. Danny is being supportive as always, complimenting me on my incredibly shitty drawing of the synaptic pathways in the human body. He makes me smile...I've never met a more supportive and happy person. Practically everything he says and does is aimed in a positive manner...and when I tell him about negative stuff, he deflects it and tries to look at the better side. Which is weird for me, because I'm not at all like that. I like to think I have a good grip on reality and things can't always be brushed aside for the better. Maybe that's why we balance each other out, but sometimes I really worry that I'm being too hard on him...that my nagging and inability to budge on things will eventually drive him away. I don't think he sees it that way, for the moment, but give it time! Maybe one day he'll snap, but my sources indicate he never will because he has an infinite amount of patience, especially involving me. Anyway! Must get back to wasting my better years staring at paper and trying hard not to cry.

Quote for the day comes from Teddy Roosevelt:

"A man who has never gone to school can steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad."

Hmmm...Thanks, Teddy, I'm off to go steal some railroads!

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