Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 10

Tomorrow, tomorrow! He comes tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 9

One more day! Nothing especially cool happened today. Wrapped all of Danny's little gifts and picked up part of Jason's bday present. Other than that we played mario party. I make the gumbo tomorrow, yay! It's exciting.

Quote of the Day by Christian Morgenson:

"Home not where you live, but where they understand you." Love this quote...I think perhaps someone finally understand s and appreciates Danny...all my friends love him and would do anything for him. We understand you, Danny. And we love you!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 8

Day 8 is running a little behind...almost 3 AM! Today I went to Wal-Mart and bought some more stuff for Danny's little welcome home thing. Bought him some shaving cream (though I can't remember if he actually uses it) and a razor for when he's in the mood to shave. Also, deodorant that I like the smell of (hopefully he will too!) and 2 boxes of Cadbury Cream eggs because there's nothing better than a chocolate egg filled with sugar. Hopefully he'll share with me! :P Got all the stuff I'd need for the gumbo and I am incredibly antsy. I want to make the gumbo now, but it would be too early. The days are flying by on my spring break...I want them to pass quickly, but at the same time I would put cleats on and dig my heels in so hard it'd take a team of draft horses to move me. The break has been really nice and I have needed it more than most people need to breathe.

Jason and I watched the finale of Friends. Wonderful, wonderful show and I need to check Amazon to see if they sell Desperate Housewives seasons. Jason wants that show on DVD, but hasn't bought it for himself yet. His birthday's on the 26th. So far I've got him a gay pride collectible Absolut bottle thing. I really like the text on the cover, it basically says to always show your true colors.

I cleaned up in my room today..never fun, but I don't want our room to be a mess when Danny gets here. Maybe I'll be able to hide how gross I can be for a little bit longer.

Quote comes from Henry David Thoreau:

"If you build castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now go put foundations under them."

Here's a particularly relevant quote. This whole moving thing is a castle that we've built in the sky. A castle built on dreams and fancies, mortared with love and devotion and guarded with determination. Danny's moving will put the powerful foundation of time down below the magnificent castle we've built. We'll be able to turn any home into our castle, as long as we're together.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 7

Woops! Haven't written in a couple days. Friday was the day that started my spring break and I ended up crashing out on the floor from tiredness. Then Saturday was the day that we tackled the rest of the Horsetooth hike. Man! I was very proud of myself, one, for making it up that far and two, for swallowing my fear and climbing up 2 very tall rocks. We wouldn't have even gone up the horsetooth part if I hadn't pushed for it. So yeah! Very hard hike, I'm so stupidly out of shape and gross. I really need to get my weight under control, if only for health's sake.

I'm currently watching Jason play Final Fantasy 8...I really do enjoy watching people play games. There's something very soothing about it...I don't have to think, but I still get to enjoy what's going on in the game. Of course, we played games all night and watched Weirdsville, which was just plain strange. Midget LARPers is where it's at. LARP = Live Action Role Players, Danny. :P

Danny will be here on Thursday and I am very excited. We've got some fun stuff for when he gets here. I'm gonna start cooking gumbo on Wednesday and we're gonna decorate the apartment. I think Jason's gonna bake a cake for him. It really means a lot to me that Jason cares enough about Danny to do stuff like that. All things considered (and if you ignore Danny's absolutely wonderful personality), it wouldn't be surprising if Jason was bucking the idea of Danny living here. Fortunately for me, Jason rules and has taken in the idea with open arms and that sideways grin that he has. He genuinely likes Danny, which is far more than I can say for any other boyfriend I have ever had.

I regret that Danny can't bring Monster here...I even half-heartedly suggested that we try to find him an orange kitten, but Danny would rather have Monster here first, and I don't blame him for that. I would be extremely upset if I had to leave Murphy behind. He's my baby, and it would take a lot to make me give him up. Maybe Danny feels the same way about Monster, and he's giving him up to be here with me. I know Monster will be in good hands, so at least that is some comfort.

Oh! Oh! Danny got waaaaaaasted with some of his friends last night from IGA. He didn't sound too drunk when he called me, but apparently he vomited after he got out of the taxi (see, our kids really shouldn't be able to read this....though I do feel on some level that if we were dead we'd be laughing, hand in hand, at their horror stricken faces as they read some of this stuff). He didn't seem embarrassed to tell me about it. Even the multitasking poop-and-hurl fest he had while in the bathroom (don't worry kids, there was a bucket in his lap). Which is impressive...I would've been embarrassed and it might have taken some coercing on his part to make it happen.

Anyway, quote of the night from an unknown author:

"Love is like everything else in the world; you have to fight for it."

Appropriate, considering how far we've come and how far we still have to go to see this thing through.

I love you.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 4

Today was a fairly innocuous day in my world. Bright and early this morning, though, Danny and I worked out the issues that we had with each other last night. Once again it was based on continual misunderstandings from both of us. I find it heartening that we're both willing to work out problems and make sure the other is completely satisfied before moving on with life. Wrote a paper tonight and boy does it SUCK. I am absolutely NOT proud of it but I am sick of school for the moment and just don't give a shit. I think I've gotten away with writing worse papers, but it is literally a very sticky, smelly pile of verbal spooge that I'm almost ashamed to put my name on. Ah well! 8 days and 1.5 hours til the day Danny arrives is here! I'm super excited and plan on making a ridiculous pot of gumbo so he doesn't starve when he gets here. I'm gonna decorate with "Welcome Home" signs and stuff as well. Even Jason is getting into it and it really makes my heart warm; he's decided he wants to bake a cake for the occasion and we've discussed a few options that sound like a lot of fun to do. I really like today's quote...I think we've discussed it before...fate and how odd it is that this relationship ever worked out to begin ya go:

"Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control."

-Unknown Author

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 3

8 days until Danny is here! I took a rough test in physiology on the nervous system today. It was absolutely not fun, but as always, Danny laughed at me for even being worried. We shall see if he is right, again, when it comes to seeing my grades. Danny's been working all day...he says he trained this total loser douchebag that thinks he's a thug. Not really all that much to report today...Feeling the distance as I have for a while now, it really sucks being apart.

Quote of the Day:
Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will.
-Author Unknown

I like this quote, it makes the distance seem not so hard.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 2

9 days left until Danny gets here! I have a physiology test tomorrow and I'm taking time from learning synaptic pathways to write this in before the midnight deadline comes along. I keep running the nerve pathways down my own body to try and give myself visual cues with it, thinking about how much more fun it would be to have Danny here so I could run the pathways down HIS body, perhaps turning it into something far more fun than learning synaptic pathways usually is. I studied with Michelle tonight. Fierce lady...she's got two kids and she's a single mom, in basically all the same classes I'm in, as well as with labs. She's the kind of person that reminds me that my lot in life isn't so bad. I am not a single mother trying to balance all of these hideous classes, and she is. It made me feel very small, but not in a bad way. It was humbling, I suppose. Danny's been working all day and we had some crappy phone issues earlier and didn't talk for about 4 hours. I always feel naked when we can't respond to each other. Maybe that was one of the reasons I lost it when he went camping and I later found out about sharing the mattress. Communication is really all we have and when you take away all we have, you take Danny away. Danny is being supportive as always, complimenting me on my incredibly shitty drawing of the synaptic pathways in the human body. He makes me smile...I've never met a more supportive and happy person. Practically everything he says and does is aimed in a positive manner...and when I tell him about negative stuff, he deflects it and tries to look at the better side. Which is weird for me, because I'm not at all like that. I like to think I have a good grip on reality and things can't always be brushed aside for the better. Maybe that's why we balance each other out, but sometimes I really worry that I'm being too hard on him...that my nagging and inability to budge on things will eventually drive him away. I don't think he sees it that way, for the moment, but give it time! Maybe one day he'll snap, but my sources indicate he never will because he has an infinite amount of patience, especially involving me. Anyway! Must get back to wasting my better years staring at paper and trying hard not to cry.

Quote for the day comes from Teddy Roosevelt:

"A man who has never gone to school can steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad."

Hmmm...Thanks, Teddy, I'm off to go steal some railroads!